Crown Solicitor's Office

Who can instruct us

The CSO does not provide legal services to members of the public.

Under s. 44 of the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014, the Crown Solicitor may act as solicitor for:

  • the State of NSW
  • a person suing or being sued on behalf of the State of NSW
  • a Minister of the Crown acting in his or her official capacity
  • a body established by an Act or other law of NSW
  • a statutory officer or employee of the Public Service or any other service of the State of NSW or of a body established by an Act or other law of NSW
  • a person holding office under an Act or other law of NSW or because of the person's appointment to that office by the Governor or a Minister of the Crown
  • any other person or body, or any other class of persons or bodies, approved by the Attorney General.

The Crown Solicitor is the solicitor on the record for the purpose of legal proceedings when representing the State, agencies or Ministers.

If you represent a body for whom the Crown Solicitor can act and would like to instruct us in a legal matter, please use the online instruction form.

Last updated:

12 Aug 2024