Crown Solicitor's Office

Child Protection

The Child Protection practice group specialises in child protection law in NSW and Federal jurisdictions. We advise NSW Government departments and agencies in relation to child protection law issues such as:

  • adoptions (contested and non-contested for government and non-government agencies)
  • applications and appeals under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection Act) 1998
  • Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) interventions
  • Hague Convention matters
  • parens patriae matters
  • trust, wills and estates for minors
  • urgent medical applications.

We effectively manage litigation on behalf of clients in the Children’s Court, the District Court, the Supreme Court and the Family Court.

Contact us

Black and white headshot photo of Nick Mitrevski

Nick Mitrevski, Director


Phone: 02 9474 9385

Last updated:

04 Jun 2024