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The Child Protection practice group specialises in child protection law in NSW and Commonwealth jurisdictions. We advise NSW Government in relation to child protection law, including:
applications and appeals under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection Act) 1998
Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) interventions
adoptions (contested and non-contested for government and non-government agencies)
parens patriae, including secure care applications
succession law
NCAT reviews
urgent medical treatment applications.
We effectively manage litigation on behalf of client in the Children's Court, District Court and Supreme Court of New South Wales, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal and the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.
Key areas of expertise: protective law for children and young persons; adoptions; family law; child law; child protection; secure care.
Acting in DN v Secretary, Department of Communities and Justice [2023] NSWCA 321, which considered the jurisdiction of the Children’s Court of NSW in respect of children who, at the time orders under the Children and Young Person (Care and Protection) Act 1998 (Care Act) are made, are neither present nor ordinarily living in NSW. The court’s decision was the catalyst for legislative amendment expanding the application of the Care Act to children and young persons who have a ‘sufficient connection' to New South Wales.
Joining the Supreme Court of NSW and the Department of Communities and Justice in a joint initiative to deliver a series of conferences on adoption processes and outcomes in NSW, featuring judges, academics and key NSW Government stakeholders.
14 Jan 2025